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Thursday, April 3, 2008

And The 3 Boys I fell In Love With!!!

Okay, so those of you that are close to me know I am IN LOVE with The Jonas Brothers!!! I mean what teenage girl wouldn't? They are Great Musicians, Great Song Writers, Great Actors, Funny, Sensetive, Crazy, They have made a promise to themselves and to God to stay 100% pure till marriage, and They Are Totally Cute! (I could go on for hours)

My friends are always complaining because they have "Guy Trouble" so I have decided to not like any boy I Actually Know till I'm 16, so I only will like The Jonas Brothers till then!

My life pretty much consists of Jonas Brothers! I sing all their songs, I get happy when I see them on T.V or hear them sing! They even have a name for people like me, it's "OJD" Obsessive Jonas Disorder. Mom wants to send me to therapy, but I said no.

Joe 18 Kevin 20 Nick 15

And NO I don't have a favorite, they are all AWESOME in their own way! As Hannah Montana Said, "Your Kevin the Cute Romantic One, Your Joe the Cute Funny one and Your Nick the cute Sensetive One"

And yes I have moved on from Lonestar, after 8 years of being a huge fan, I am a Jonas Brothers Fan! Most of the songs on here are JB songs, if you listen to them they all have a good message!
There's even a 4th Jonas Brothers, Frankie but he's only 7!


Corina said...

I saw them on Ellen the other day and have to agree they are very cute boys - too bad I am not younger :) Good Choice!!