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Friday, February 19, 2010

Evans Family Farm

This was so much fun! We started out Labor Day selling corn and it was so much fun that we got pumpkins, straw and squash. We didn't end until Halloween but wow it was fun. Saturdays a couple of us would go to the farmers market and sell corn there. Then everyday friends would come over to help and we would have so much fun together. We had pony rides, bbqs, etc. I cant wait to do it again this

Mike was getting annoyed with Ace

The girls found kittens

Our corn field
Shawn giving Mike some love

Laurie and Strike


Mom helping costumers
Lauren said he was trying to finish fast so I could have my broom back. haha real funny.

Kim and Lauren tying stalks

Larry baling straw

Mikey with a customer

Cash was sleepy
My 2 favorite cooks :D